Visit Afghanistan’s 20 Most Amazing Locations and Tourist Attractions


It has been dived upside-down from the procurement of the Mujahedeen and al-Qaeda, the Taliban rebels, and additional groups afterward the origin of the country’s current battles. Despite the life of peacekeeping forces, rebels hide in the shade of the city, thumping accompanying bombs and ambushes seldom.


It’s a grieving state of occurrences for a center of activity accompanying very to supply. Kabul was an educational hub of Zoroastrianism and Buddhism in the distant past. Afterward, skilled Hindus in this place spot and even Alexander the Great. Now, this plentiful past may be known at the Kabul Museum – namely, if you grant it guaranteed to approach.


The Panjshir Valley, which extends from the eastern regions of Afghanistan towards the Hindu Kush mountain range, is crowned to become one of the country’s recently discovered industrial hubs. Talk of everything from emerald discovery to hydropower generation is being raised for these parts, with American businesses taking the lead.


But for the time being, Panjshir, one of the most intriguing tourist destinations, continues to be the well-known combination of snow-capped mountains and serpentine rivers, green fields and rural hamlets it has always been, with the exception of when the Soviets passed through here during their attack in the 1980s.


This is fundamentally some in addition to a conveyance center for travelers excited to pass the tri-state border in the northward, place Tajikistan touches Uzbekistan touches Afghanistan. However, it does reach hidden in a great strip of green farmlands and has experienced, country surroundings that have gone on the more important towns on this list.


Unluckily, more modern opportunities have knowledgeable the chaos of the Afghan battles flare-up repeated near Kunduz, and skills have happened thrown wars betwixt the Taliban, the company, and various rebel groups. In other words, reach belief to step into a place of warring.


Many people think that people have lived in the nearby valleys for more than a thousand years. Marco Polo’s report of his travels through this region in 1275 made this fact clear. Today’s Taloqan in Afghanistan, however, is a more developed region and a popular tourist attraction, with markets crowded with customers and mules gathering in the streets beneath humming tuk-tuks. Talking about the conflict of 2001 is surely unsuitable because it is still fresh in people’s memories.


Band-e Amir National Park

The unreal spread of the Band-e Amir enhanced hall to the first always protected area in Afghanistan back in 2009. It’s easy to find reasons also! Dotted by no inferior six separate mountain reservoirs, lie in addition to 3,000 meters up unrefined peaks of the Hindu Kush, and made by a paradise of enchanting terrestrial motions; the region is an extraordinary traveler appeal in Afghanistan to visit.

Band-e Amir National Park

Khyber Pass

The Khyber Pass unquestionably belongs to that large category of places that are currently off the tourist’s radar in Afghanistan because the Taliban have controlled this region since at least 2007, with the targeted destruction of military convoys and western aid. However, this high-perched area of land in the altitudes of the Spin Ghar will undoubtedly be worthwhile to visit after the fighting calms down and the tension eases. Why? Because soldiers and businesspeople have resided there for generations. They arrived along the Silk Road from China and the east, or they came in the form of legendary generals like Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great.

Khyber Pass
Khyber Pass


For followers of sophistication and conscientious experiences, the Bamiyan story is actually about a grieving individual. In time gone by, the extent was familiar as a center for Hindu–Buddhist worship, and it succeeded in accompanying artisans, monasteries, and – expressly – carvers in the ages before the Muslim possession.

The Buddhas of Bamiyan
The Buddhas of Bamiyan

The Buddhas of Bamiyan were two 6th-century monumental statues carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamyan valley of Hazarajat region in central Afghanistan, 130 kilometres northwest of Kabul at an elevation of 2,500 metres In March 2001, nevertheless, these important sculptures were destructed by apiece Taliban, era international rage, and even creating UNESCO tagged their residues to stop further destruction.


The largest allied military facility in the nation is located in the little eastern town of Bagram, which is only a short distance from Kabul, the epicenter, and the Hindu Kush mountains. However, this base’s history actually stretches far further back than that.

Bagram Airfield
Bagram Airfield

For starters, the city was taken in the 300s BC by none other than Alexander the Great, who later changed its design to reflect Greek architecture. Following that, the Mauryan Empire took control of this region and imposed its own version of Indian aesthetic standards on it.


It’s easy to find reason Herat – the second-most important township in Afghanistan – has an aforementioned Persian taste to it: the city lies only a stone’s throw from the Iranian boundary and it was once the home of the Timurid regime (a parentage that mixed fundamentals of Turkic, Persian, and Mongol idea in their age). The excellent classic of the municipality is The Friday Mosque.


This extraordinary building of aqua-dignified minarets and glossy slabs is sure to inspire the impressions – it’s deliberately expected over eight centuries traditional! There’s likewise the Herat Citadel to visit, and the tomb of esteemed Sufi poets that fashioned Heart individual of high-quality traveler attractiveness in Afghanistan.


Supported by the split and chiseled travels of the huge Hindu Kush, Faizabad lies hidden allure belonging to individual aloof region of the northerly Afghan peaks. The region is what names the city: providing it that country, private and serene feel. You’ll find bolt donkeys ambulatory the ways and beady-eyed, unshaven mass of water particles in air ranchers rambling the bazaars. You’ll meet native highlanders with extremities shredded for one tracks of the excellent Wakhan Corridor. You’ll visualize flavor-fragranced stew residences and within financial means visit the appealing mountaintop plain of the Kokcha River.


Museum of Afghanistan

The National Museum of Afghanistan was first innate 1919 in the Afghan capital, Kabul place it is protected in the Bagh Bala dwelling. It holds important documents, cunning objects, and weaponry owned by the ancient time’s kings of Afghanistan.

Museum of Afghanistan
Museum of Afghanistan

In 1931, it fluctuated to a past Municipality structure almost nine kilometers northward of the principal street. Gratitude to the discovery acted by Delegation Archeologique Francaise in Afghanistan, a certain group was unusually pushed accompanying traditional heirlooms from all the eras of Afghan experiences.


Acknowledged as the capital of the Bactrian Empire outdated, the old city of Balkh has a past out-of-date back of almost 4,000 age! Actually, it was present, extremely up in the cracks of the northerly peaks of the Hindu Kush, that Zoroastrianism and Buddhism first bloomed in these ranges.


By the period the Venetian traveler, Marco Polo came into view in the 1300s, the city would have existed ruined and refurbished various periods, but an account of the allure of excellent fortification fences and instructional organizations would still have happened fit. Now, the city is barely the noble center of activity it before was, but skilled is a positive considerable record visible amid the lively bazaars and olive-distorted Green Mosque.


Jalalabad is a spot place the authorization outdated occasion is nearly seeable. You can repeatedly almost see the snowstorm-wrapped-up peaks of the Safid Mountain Range on the horizon, and acquire by what method the Mughal company would have sensed as they consider them former in the 1500s.


Nearer to the municipality and the environment grants for citrus gardens and green parks – entity Jalalabad is legendary for. You can likewise find the tomb of King Amanullah Khan, meet the people born in the country in which he/she dwells for a madly-disputed impartial game, a suggestion of choice visit the defeated parks and flowers.

Mazar-e Sharif

The sea color domes of the extraordinary Blue Mosque jostle their habit above the skyline of Mazar-e Sharif, glossy white-hot under the blazing Balkh sunlight. Renowned as the grave of Ali container Talib, the relative of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), it’s an appealing array of a particular type of embellishment and cold Asian design, proficient accompanying aqua-sad domes and golden-spotted minarets. However, the Muslim record is alone characteristic of Mazar-e Sharif, cause this township is further house to many Greek remains; one that took their habit present accompanying the performance of Alexander’s officers in the 3rd centennial BC!

Mazar-e Sharif
Mazar-e Sharif

Great Mosque of Heart

An absolute treasure of the mosques in Afghanistan, the Great Mosque of Heart is the cunning of work settled for one Ghurid regime in the 13th century and individual of the highest in rank sightseer interests in Afghanistan. It has faithfully acted as a congregational temple for Friday pleadings even though it was not unsurpassed and permanently the most important in the township.

Great Mosque of Heart
Great Mosque of Heart

The temple has a common four-sided base accompanying the main square and three spectacularly decorated iwans in addition to eight minarets and six exits for approach. The maximum of today’s temple is completely new as the beginning complex continued innumerable devastation in the 18th century. Now, the temple is resting for a remodeling that has happened confidentially by rich Afghan businessmen in 2012.


The esteemed quarters of the Mosque of the Sacred Cloak and a municipality drowned in annals, Kandahar lies at the intersections place in southern Afghanistan and confronts the sierras of the country’s principal land. The unoriginal bench of Pashtun experts was the epicenter of the last Afghan rule all the while the age of Ahmad Shah Durrani. Now, the spot is intoxicated accompanying mosques, shrines, and mausoleums to superstars from the public past, and people meet expectations to find the unfamiliar engravings of the adored Mughal champion Babur on the Chilzina View.



While the city of Samangan is a traditional convoy halt on the border routes of the old Silk Road, that demand for fame isn’t fundamentally the allure of outstanding accomplishment. That testimonial makes use of the bizarre cavern aggregates of Takht I Rostam that embed their routes through the sandy narrow peaks of the adjacent volcanos.


These are deliberate to have existed established in the 4th and 5th point in time AD and are embellished accompanying marvelous Buddhist designs of in-seated position leaves, all aggregation on a central silt-block stupa. They determine an enveloping sight into an almost-omitted, pre-Muslim past.


In the responsibility of Balkh, 20 kilometers from the town of Mazare Sharif, skilled is a city of Balkh, that was previously in time or order knowledgeable as Bactria, or Tokharistan. Mentioned as glorious and powerful by Marco Polo, it enhanced the final shelter of Zoroaster, the one passed away at this place, as Persian artist Firdowsi established. Balkh was following capital of Greco-Bactrian Kingdom that approached life following in position or time Alexander the Great seized this district.


Balkh was also common as a Buddhist center place famous monks Trapusa and Bahalika endured and were buried. The city proceeded from individual empire to another subsequently the Islamic success, and it was sooner or later demolished by Genghis Khan. Reestablished repeated in the 14th of one hundred years, it, in the end, drop into the hands of Afghans in 1752. The memorable Balkh has the remains of Buddhist shrines in addition to Greek reconciliation, a mausoleum, and a temple.

Balkh was further common as a Buddhist center place famous monks Trapusa and Bahalika were located and were buried. The municipality proceeded from individual empire to another following in position or time the Islamic win, and it was finally destroyed by Genghis Khan. Reestablished repeated in the 14th centennial, it, in the end, fell in the hands of Afghans in 1752. The consequential Balkh has the artifacts of Buddhist shrines in addition to Greek reconciliation, a tomb, and a temple. The most exceptional is the Buddhist stupa Takhte-Rostam which was settled beneath the ground, in a channel 8 meters deep.

Minaret of Jam

It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in a faraway department chosen Shahrak, in Ghor Province. The minaret was settled in the 12th centennial of burned bricks that bring difficult calligraphic illustration in the Arabic style. These engravings bring Quranic verses, the Muslim proclamation of conviction in addition to names and designations of local chiefs.

The tower is 62 meters unreasonable and is an individual of almost 60 minarets settled for one Ghurid empire in the Middle Ages. It is the top block tower on soil accompanied having eight of something endowments and a lantern on the top. It was literally ascribed to the Friday Mosque, which was regrettably bathed continuously all the while a trenchant flood in the 13th century.

Minaret of Jam
Minaret of Jam

Blue Mosque of Mazar-e Sharif

The Mausoleum of Ali, as the depression Mosque in Mazari Sharif is repeatedly applied, is an appealing conscientious complex settled in the 15th of one hundred years, that consumes food point in time happened the sign concerning this municipality. According to the myth, the carcass of one of four equal parts Khalifa Ali was fetched attending on a silver hoofed animal expected buried.

Blue Mosque of Mazar-e Sharif
Blue Mosque of Mazar-e Sharif

This was acted to protect welcome mortal remains from harmful opponents. The middle portion concerning this four-sided idol is the ziarat Hana place the crowd of Ali is preserved while the vestibule is for pleadings and contemplation. The center of the temple is before put painted or finished little chambers place meaningful archival individualities, to a degree Afghan heads and imams, are buried. Polychrome slab collage from the 20th-century coats all the exposed parts of the temple.



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